Covering the coast, Burnham Market, Wells, Holt & surrounding villages


Hello and welcome to North Norfolk Living Magazine! We will be marking our 20th anniversary in 2024 by doing what we love best – helping readers get the most out of living in North Norfolk (and visiting, too).

We publish five issues a year, covering Spring (Easter), Early Summer, High Summer, Autumn and Winter in this beautiful part of the country. Our 2024 issues will be published on 13 March, 15 May, 10 July, 2 October and 13 November.

Distribution is key so we print 16,000 copies per issue with more than 7,000 of these delivered through letterboxes, getting straight to both residents and visitors.

But don’t just take our word for it!

“North Norfolk Living is the single most important local magazine that we use for advertising our complex rural retail site. Not only does the advertising work but the features and promotions deliver too.

“It is vital that we reach both local residents and visitors and NNL delivers to both audiences which is surprisingly rare. It is out ‘go-to’ magazine for everything fun so why wouldn’t you advertise in it?!”

Diana Brocklebank Scott, Creake Abbey

Get in touch

Advertising enquiries

Advertising Manager

Bridget Steele
Tel: 01733 707538 / 07745 107897

Advertising copy

Local Living Production Manager

Rachel Beecroft
Tel: 01780 765320

The detail


Outside back, inside front£700
Full page£600
Half page£325
Quarter page£195
Eighth page£95
Bottom of page strip advert£500 (5 issues)
Directory£150 (5 issues)
Leaflet insertsfrom £45 per 1000

Mechanical Data

Full page type190mm277mm
Full page bleed216mm303mm
Half page horizontal190mm133mm
Half page vertical90mm277mm
Strip advert190mm30mm

2024 Media Card


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